Category: School


I made a 91 on my Chemistry test!  That makes me feel sooo wonderful!  I really needed that good grade on the test to pull up my grade.  I am now really close to getting a C in her class.  However I probably would have had a C if I had turned in my homework.  I was prepared to turn it in the whole day until I got to her class.  I left part of the work in first period I think.  I hope that she will still take some of my work for some credit.


APMEH this year has been pretty tough so far.  I am, however, doing well now.  The past semester I recieve a 66 as my semester average.  Now I have an 82 in his class and I do not plan on looking back either.  I hope to get an A in his class by the end of the nine weeks.  I plan to continue this work until the end of the school year.  During the last half of the past semester Mr Clayton bombarded us with stacks of homework that left us enervated.  He piled it on in the last few weeks before Christmas and we barely made it through alive.  We made it though and now I’m resting at a B in his class so all is well.

I have had good grades so far this semester.  I have A’s in Home Ec., Globalization,  Spanish II, and English.  I have a B in history which is very good too.  My only grade that I need to pull up is Chemistry which is a D at the moment because of a quiz that I did not do so well on.  Other than that I have two classes where the teachers have not put in the grades yet.  That is Algebra II and Psychology.  I know that I am doing well in Psychology and all that my Algebra teacher is putting in the grade book is homework.  I have done all of it so I will recieve good grades on my progress report.  My mom will probably not like my Chemistry grade but I will simply explain to her that I did not do good on a quiz and that I will do better.  All in all every thing is great!

Im ready

I studied for my math and history test like I have never studied before.  I put in 4 hours of studying Saturnday and Sunday and I studied 2 hours Friday.   Like I said I’m ready.  I really need to make a good grade on these tests to attempt to get a good grade in both of their classes.  If I dont do good then well I guess I wont be playing much xbox next semester.

Success so far

Well I have made a 93 on my home ec exam, a 91 on my global business exam, and an 80 on my chemistry exam.  I am doing pretty well so far.  I hope I can keep it up on my other exams.  I got English, History, Algebra II, Spanish, and Psychology.  I am not really worried about English, and Spanish because I do well on those tests.  In History, ALgebra II, and Psychology is where the problem lies.  I am going really hard for all of them but especially for History because I have to get my grade up so I can get a C in his class.


My night was absolutely wonderful.  I had so much homework in Mr.Clayton’s class that I was up to 2 oclock finishing it.  I had a essay to do last night, 3 long review questions, a packet of question to finish, and do an outline for the essay.  I had such a fun time too! I was like there’s nothing I would be doing with my time than finishing all his work.  The paper took me so long that I didnt have the energy to stay up and read the pgs he assigned.

My Progress

I have received my progress report today and I am not happy but its not bad either.  I am where I can get my  grades up easily but I am not failing any classes.  I am in the rebuilding stage right now and I have to get better grades before the end of the 2nd nine weeks.  I have a 3.00 average unweighted and a 3.20 average weighted.  I really need to kick it into high get a good GPA before the end of the 2nd nine weeks.

The Game

The game on Friday night was awful for our team.  We lost 35-0.  It was literally embarrassing.  I hope we can improve dramatically so this season wont be a complete failure. 

Back At School

Well we are back at school.  I am kinda excited but I am kinda depressed too.  I am excited because I get to see all my friends everyday.  However, I have to wake up at 5 o’clock to catch the bus in the morning.  I guess it is worth it though.  I am really ready to succeed in all my classes this year. I am so determined to make AB honor roll because I know that I can do it.

This Class

This class is ok.  It’s not one of my favorite classes however.  This is because the work that we do is not all that interesting.  I am actually kind of happy we have two more months of school because we are that much closer to summer.  In these next two months I would rather be chilling every day instead of doing work but that will not happen because I am in IB and they are planning other projects for us that seem as if they will take much time and preparation.  I really am tired of school even though my mom always tells me that these are the best years of your life.  They are not the best years of my life because I will be working so hard that I probably wont be able to have any fun.