Category: Everyday Life

I need some $

I really need me a job! I need some money because I want to get some new clothes for the summer.  I would like to work at the Yogurt Mountain or Winn Dixie because I think that I would be able to get a job there and work my job well.  Also I have a cousin that works at Winn Dixie so I would be working with him.  He always tells me funny stories about how people steal meat.  I think we would work well together.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is the funniest man in comedy at this moment.  He has had tons of movies he has been in and alot of stand up performances where he is absolutely hilarious.  He tells jokes that are not the usual tough guy type joke and he takes the place of a nonviolent person.  This makes everyone laugh because of the some of us feel the same way sometimes.  His stand up performances include Im a Grown Little Man, Seriously Funny and his new stand up Laugh at My Pain.  Laugh at My Pain will be premiering on sunday on Comedy Central at 8 o’clock.  I have seen previews so I think it will be funny.


I took my chemistry exam yesterday and I made an 80 on it!!!! That really made my day yesterday but I really could have done better if I would have studied harder.  I also took my Home Ec. test and made a 93 on it.  I am kind of disappointed because I really felt that I was about to make at least a 98 but o well I made an A so that’s all that matters.  Today I will take my Global Business test and my English exam the both of them should be pretty easy.  Monday I will have my hardest classes on the same day, History and Algebra II.  I will really have to buckle down this weekend and study hard because those test are no joke.  Then Tuesday I will end the testing with a test in Spanish and Psychology.  I know I will do well on the Spanish test but the Psychology might require a little more studying.

Christmas Day

Christmas break is almost here thank the Lord.  I am sooooo glad because we really need a break from all the work Mr. Clayton aka the Teacher from hell.  He has been killin us lately with all the work he has given.  And I need for him to put in some darn grades so I can get my grade up.  He hasnt however done this; he has been lookin at the work and stamping it.  This is really a hindrance to me improving my grade.  But anyway Christmas this year is going to be great this year.  I am going to go over my friends house.  I am going to get my new xbox and I am going to get to eat.  At some point I think I will get to play basketball with my cousin.  These are the ingredients for a perfect day.


Finally Friday

Well its finally Friday again.  This week was pretty tough.  I will have had two tests this week.  I had a test in psychology and I have a test in Algebra II.  I think that I will do good on the test in Algebra because I studied extra hard.  I am also proud that I finished all of Mr.Clayton’s homework.  I stayed up to 1 oclock this morning trying to finish all of his work and I finished it too!!!  He has really been working us hard since we came back from the Thanksgiving break.  I am glad that I am improving in his class though.



Thanksgiving weekend was very relaxing and I got much rest but it seems like I can never get enough sleep to not feel tired for the next week of school.  I got to eat all kinds of food for thanksgiving this year.  We had dressing, cranberry sauce, turkey, ham, mac and cheese, potato salad, broccoli casserole, gibly gravy, greens, cornbread, and rolls.  All of this in my stomach equaled a happy thanksgiving.

Careless World

Tyga’s new album, Careless World: The Rise of the Last King, is coming out in December.  It will include songs like Rack City, Far Away, and Heisman. Tyga’s is my favorite rapper and I will be the first to get his new album.  This is his second studio album.  The official date of release is December 20, 2011.

Progress Report

I really thought I was doing better in history but turns out i got a D.  I am really not worried though because I think that I can pull my grades up.  Then Undray dont make me feel no better sittin next to him and his all A’s in Shades Valley.  He make me sick. I think I am doing ok in everything else though.

Science Fair

Science Fair is really a waste of time for me.  Every year I am going to come up with a last minute topic that no one cares about.  Then I will procrastinate because I really dont want to do the project and end up getting a C on the whole thing.   Science Fair should not be mandatory because kids just dont want to do it so we half do it so we can have a decent grade on it. I absolutely hate it!!!!


Today is the day.  I have a test in AP Modern European History.  I have been studying all week for this test and it will be a great relief to get this test out of the way.  The test will cover topics such as the Renaissance and the Reformation.  I really think I am ready for this test.  I think I will do good on it but I can only pray and ask God to help me during this test.