Archive for December, 2011

Im ready

I studied for my math and history test like I have never studied before.  I put in 4 hours of studying Saturnday and Sunday and I studied 2 hours Friday.   Like I said I’m ready.  I really need to make a good grade on these tests to attempt to get a good grade in both of their classes.  If I dont do good then well I guess I wont be playing much xbox next semester.

Success so far

Well I have made a 93 on my home ec exam, a 91 on my global business exam, and an 80 on my chemistry exam.  I am doing pretty well so far.  I hope I can keep it up on my other exams.  I got English, History, Algebra II, Spanish, and Psychology.  I am not really worried about English, and Spanish because I do well on those tests.  In History, ALgebra II, and Psychology is where the problem lies.  I am going really hard for all of them but especially for History because I have to get my grade up so I can get a C in his class.

I took my chemistry exam yesterday and I made an 80 on it!!!! That really made my day yesterday but I really could have done better if I would have studied harder.  I also took my Home Ec. test and made a 93 on it.  I am kind of disappointed because I really felt that I was about to make at least a 98 but o well I made an A so that’s all that matters.  Today I will take my Global Business test and my English exam the both of them should be pretty easy.  Monday I will have my hardest classes on the same day, History and Algebra II.  I will really have to buckle down this weekend and study hard because those test are no joke.  Then Tuesday I will end the testing with a test in Spanish and Psychology.  I know I will do well on the Spanish test but the Psychology might require a little more studying.

Christmas Day

Christmas break is almost here thank the Lord.  I am sooooo glad because we really need a break from all the work Mr. Clayton aka the Teacher from hell.  He has been killin us lately with all the work he has given.  And I need for him to put in some darn grades so I can get my grade up.  He hasnt however done this; he has been lookin at the work and stamping it.  This is really a hindrance to me improving my grade.  But anyway Christmas this year is going to be great this year.  I am going to go over my friends house.  I am going to get my new xbox and I am going to get to eat.  At some point I think I will get to play basketball with my cousin.  These are the ingredients for a perfect day.


Finally Friday

Well its finally Friday again.  This week was pretty tough.  I will have had two tests this week.  I had a test in psychology and I have a test in Algebra II.  I think that I will do good on the test in Algebra because I studied extra hard.  I am also proud that I finished all of Mr.Clayton’s homework.  I stayed up to 1 oclock this morning trying to finish all of his work and I finished it too!!!  He has really been working us hard since we came back from the Thanksgiving break.  I am glad that I am improving in his class though.


Yes!! This is what I have been hoping for after the lose to LSU.  I have just been sitting back and waiting patiently for the rematch.  I had a hunch that we would be playing LSU again before the end of the season.  Now we have a chance to redeem ourselves.  We really should have won that game but the offense could not score the football.  The defense played very well.  Its dominance  was the sole reason that we were in the game and LSU did not score any touchdowns.


Basketball and Christmas

Usually on Christmas the NBA has a double header for the day.   Usually the Lakers will play Boston or Lebron will take on Kobe.   This year we are most fortunate however.  We will have not two, not three, but four good games.  On this wonderful day for NBA fans, Kobe Bryant and the Lakers will play the reigning MVP Derrick Rose and the Bulls, Dirk Nowitzki and the Mavericks will have a rematch of the finals last and play the Heat, Kevin Durant will lead the Thunder against Dwight Howard and the Magics.  Lastly Blake Griffin and the Clippers will face Monte Ellis and the Warriors.

Alabama vs Auburn

Yes!  Alabama beat Auburn Saturnday in the 76th Iron Bowl.  The score of the game was 42-14.  I was so happy that we delivered a grade A smack down.  I wanted to watch the whole game just so that I would get to see Auburn get embarrassed by our NFL defense.  I was smiling for 3 straight hours and I am surprised that my face did not get stuck.  That game was one of the highlights of my week.


My night was absolutely wonderful.  I had so much homework in Mr.Clayton’s class that I was up to 2 oclock finishing it.  I had a essay to do last night, 3 long review questions, a packet of question to finish, and do an outline for the essay.  I had such a fun time too! I was like there’s nothing I would be doing with my time than finishing all his work.  The paper took me so long that I didnt have the energy to stay up and read the pgs he assigned.